Thursday, December 26, 2019
Health Cases throughout the World - 975 Words
In case 4, eliminating polio in Latin America and the Caribbean, polio, one of the most infectious diseases, paralyzed thousands of children every year worldwide before the oral polio vaccine was introduce in 1977. As polio intestinal virus paralysis by invading the central nervous system, the virus exponentially widespread with a series of polio outbreaks up to 15,000 cases and 1750 deaths each year in Latin America and the Caribbean. In 1985, Pan American Health organization (PAHO) began a polio eradication campaign in the region for routine immunization by Expanded Programme on Immunization. The program had two crucial objectives: mobilizing financial and social commitments in the region and organizing managerial surveillance to carry out immunization in each country. In a vertical way to set immunization strategies, diverse international organizations such as UNICEF and USAID coordinated Inter-Agency Committee (ICC) for a five-year National Plan of Action. To increase immunizatio n coverage in areas with weak routine health services, all endemic countries in the region performed national vaccine days twice a year to immunize every child under 5. The campaign tackled the disease with house-to-house vaccination in communities reporting polio cases and with low coverage. An extensive surveillance system also helped to track the polio outbreaks with investigating each suspected case within 48 hours. Today polio has been eliminated with continuous monitoring and regionalShow MoreRelatedHpv Essay1220 Words  | 5 PagesRising HPV Cases in Adolescent Women The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that is very common throughout the United States and worldwide (World Health Organization (WHO), 2016). There are over 100 different forms of the virus with 13 of these types being capable of causing cancer (WHO, 2016). HPV can lead to the development of serious health problems. 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