Thursday, December 26, 2019
Health Cases throughout the World - 975 Words
In case 4, eliminating polio in Latin America and the Caribbean, polio, one of the most infectious diseases, paralyzed thousands of children every year worldwide before the oral polio vaccine was introduce in 1977. As polio intestinal virus paralysis by invading the central nervous system, the virus exponentially widespread with a series of polio outbreaks up to 15,000 cases and 1750 deaths each year in Latin America and the Caribbean. In 1985, Pan American Health organization (PAHO) began a polio eradication campaign in the region for routine immunization by Expanded Programme on Immunization. The program had two crucial objectives: mobilizing financial and social commitments in the region and organizing managerial surveillance to carry out immunization in each country. In a vertical way to set immunization strategies, diverse international organizations such as UNICEF and USAID coordinated Inter-Agency Committee (ICC) for a five-year National Plan of Action. To increase immunizatio n coverage in areas with weak routine health services, all endemic countries in the region performed national vaccine days twice a year to immunize every child under 5. The campaign tackled the disease with house-to-house vaccination in communities reporting polio cases and with low coverage. An extensive surveillance system also helped to track the polio outbreaks with investigating each suspected case within 48 hours. Today polio has been eliminated with continuous monitoring and regionalShow MoreRelatedHpv Essay1220 Words  | 5 PagesRising HPV Cases in Adolescent Women The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that is very common throughout the United States and worldwide (World Health Organization (WHO), 2016). There are over 100 different forms of the virus with 13 of these types being capable of causing cancer (WHO, 2016). HPV can lead to the development of serious health problems. Theses health problems are especially an issue for adolescent women due to the highly increasing STD rates amongRead MoreTuberculosis ( Tb ) And How The Directly Observed Treatment1518 Words  | 7 PagesI chose to examine the case study regarding Tuberculosis (TB) and how the Directly Observed Treatment Shortcourse (DOTS) was used to help to reduce the incidence of the disease in China. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2013, 9 million people became ill from TB and 1.5 million people died as a result of the disease (WHO, 2015). In China, tuberculosis is the leading infectious disease that causes death among young ad ults in that country (Center for Global Development, 2015). AsRead MoreDr. Alvarez, A Banana Plantation Worker s Mysterious Ailment1638 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction This case study discusses Adrian Mora, a banana plantation worker’s mysterious ailment. 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Organisations such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) and UNICEF have been heavily involved in finding vaccines to treat these diseases and promoting education and community health initiatives23. Amongst the many infectious diseases prominent in Australia in the 20th century, Poliomyelitis (Polio) was consideredRead MoreVaccines And Vaccines Are Made A Huge Impact On Humanity1494 Words  | 6 PagesIllnesses and diseases continue to develop and spread constantly throughout the world. These harmful viruses have always had a huge impact on humanity. Viruses caused many deaths and outbreaks in the past and present because viruses can be passed on easily. Luckily today there is a way to prevent the spread of these viruses, which is vaccines. Vaccines are used to provide immunity against diseases. Once vaccines were introduced there were a lot of speculations and assumptions. There are many people
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Three Areas of Globalization - 954 Words
According to Thomas Friedman, â€Å"In Globalization 1.0, which began around 1492, the world went from size large to size medium. In Globalization 2.0, the era that introduced us to multinational companies, it went from size medium to size small. And then around 2000 came Globalization 3.0, in which the world went from being small to tiny.†It is not something one can pin point and define as a formal structure of the current international system. Globalization is a notion of the growing interconnectedness of the world categorized into three forms, cultural, political and economical globalization. Much like the quote by Thomas Friedman, globalization gives the conviction of the world being continually smaller and the pace of†¦show more content†¦Stiglitz especially is very critical of the Washington Consensus. The consensus was between â€Å"the IMF, the World Bank, and the U.S Treasury where they decided on the â€Å"right†policies for developing countriesâ € ¦signaling a radically different approach to economic development and stabilization†(Stiglitz, 16). Much of the policies were made based on the problems in Latin America that had occurred because of government corruption. The three main economic policies countries had to adopt to gain financial help were fiscal austerity, privatization and liberalization. Fiscal austerity meant that the countries that borrowed money from the IMF or World Bank would have to raise taxes and cut welfare spending. The consensus also asks you to privatize companies rather than have state capitalism or social capitalism. The main consequences of these policies led the countries to loose economic sovereignty of their state and the people lost their welfare state. Liberalization of the market isn’t also the correct way to run a government as seen in Korea 1997. However, as Stiglitz mentioned in the book, it is not all globalizations fault but the fault of the person managing it and how it is managed. Globalization often has its cultural influences. Western media and shows are broadcasted worldwide. The spread of ‘WesternShow MoreRelatedSustainable Development and Globalization Are Two Popular Concept with Respect to Present Context. Is Globalization Is a Threat for Sustainable Development ?1031 Words  | 5 Pagesof sustainable development: at the confluence of three constituent parts â€Å"Let’s see the three overlapping circles: one representing environmental needs, one representing economic needs, and one representing community social needs. The area where the circles overlap is the area of sustainability, the area of livability – the area where all the threads of quality of life come together. If we are to have it all, we must recognize that these three circles are not separate, unrelated entities†. 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America is seen as pushing away the local cultures of these areas and making a new culture altogether that is created with mostly American ideals. The book states how this industry maintains a proper way of attendance at the restaurant (payRead MoreThe Many Benefits of Globalization Essays1009 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Globalization is not just one impact of the new technologies that are reshaping the economies of the third millennium†(Thurow 19-31). When speaking of globalization, most people will not have a complete understanding as of what it actually means or what aspects of the world it affects. Globalization promotes free trade and creates jobs. The capital markets attract investors, resort cheap labor, and leads to job losses in some areas of higher wage. While all of this is happening, the world economyRead MoreGlobalization and E ducation1373 Words  | 6 Pages(UNESCO)’s Bureau of Strategic Planning (2004) reported that globalization has not only contributed to the greater exchanges of ideas and awareness of the uniqueness of individual cultures and societies, but has highlighted the fundamental differences that result from these unique characteristics. There are many advantages for societies and cultures as they become increasingly interconnected (Heimonen, 2012) through the process of globalization. Interconnectedness allows for the sharing of assets andRead MoreImpact Of Globalization On Economic Growth And Development1250 Words  | 5 Pagescountry Nepal. The effect of globalization in our cultures and tradition is one of the major concern in the society. As we all know that, â€Å"Globalization is the process where products, capital market, economic and cultures are inter-related in the global world.†As Nepal is border North side by China, the world most developed countries and the other three sides i.e., west, east and south by India, which is also the one of the fastest developing countries. The globalization has had some positive effectsRead MoreThe United Kingdom And British Labour Party Essay1462 Words  | 6 Pagesconfused for the acceptance globalization and international competitiveness as inevitable. This book tells about the mind twist. It tells us about the move out from the agreement of new belief, that the globalisation can be replaced with localisation. That is on the protective side and helps to rebuild the native markets in whole world. drive Brief about the content of this book: The book is divided into three parts of this book †¢ Part One- The problem- Globalization †¢ Part Two- The solution- LocalizationRead MoreEssay Nations Should Promote Globalization, Not Localization1078 Words  | 5 PagesGlobalization and localization are two conflicting trends in international politics today. Globalization is the spread of peoples, activities, norms, ideas, goods, services, and currencies from one area of the world to another. (Rosenau 15) Localization is the narrowing of horizons and the confinement of peoples, activities, norms, ideas, goods, services, and currencies to a particular geographic area. (Rosenau 16) Globalization and localization affect the world’s countries in three main areas, politicsRead MoreHow Globalization Affects Developing Countries?1504 Words  | 7 PagesHow Globalization Affects Developed Countries The phenomenon of globalization began in a primitive form when humans first settled into different areas of the world; however, it has shown a rather steady and rapid progress in the recent times and has become an international dynamic which, due to technological advancements, has increased in speed and scale, so that countries in all five continents have been affected and engaged. What Is Globalization? Globalization is defined as a process which, basedRead MoreMajor Forces That Are Leading International Firms Essay743 Words  | 3 PagesThere are five major forces that are leading international firms to the globalization of their operations which includes (1) political (2) technological (3) market (4) cost and (5) competition. Many firms initiate international operations to gain assess by combined markets through exporting product or producing within the area. Technological According to (Ball, 2011) today’s technology has allowed an advance in computers, communication and an increase flow of ideas. Through the internet and networks
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Current Information Technology Environment Essay Research Paper free essay sample
Current Information Technology Environment Essay, Research Paper Current IT Environment: As a company that will be runing entirely in the medical field we need to take a expression at the predecessors or precursors to our company to see what IT systems they used to do them successful. Of class we will merely utilize this information as a theoretical account to develop and accommodate our ain theoretical account of IT that will be seamster made for our concern. The current theoretical account used by medical professionals that are affiliated with our concern in a relational manner to our merchandise is one used by SCIENTIFIC SEARCH INC. In this concern they use: ? Programmer/Analyst ? Client Waiter ? Relation Databases ; Sybase, Oracle, A ; Informix. ? AS/400 ? Networking ? C, C++ , UNIX ? WWW-Web, Java, Perl, HTML ? Windows NT ? Powerbuilder ? Network Manager The application coder is responsible for planing, coding, proving, and debugging plans to implement new plans and the systems analyst is responsible for the analysis of the current concern system, its organisation, processs, work flow, information demands, and jobs. The client waiter is when application processing is divided between a client, which is typically a personal computing machine, and a waiter, which may be a Personal computer, a minicomputer, or a mainframe. ( pg. 700 ) Relation databases ( Sybase, Oracle, A ; Informix ) . Sybase ( A UNIX procedure ) is a waiter and is known as the database engine. It is used as a key in monitoring, nosologies, security, pull offing application stored processs, and pull offing user histories. Oracle being derived from Greek mythology means the name of the beginning of all truth, the replies to all inquiries which is a database that normally interacts with other applications for such things as fabrication, human resources, programming, and fiscal material. Informix is a package and/or database for corporate computer science environments. AS/400 is a client waiter engineering that is used in mission critical concern calculating. They are merely manufactured in two topographic points Rochester, Minnesota and Santa Palomba, Italy. Networking is several Personal computer? s that can all entree the same database at any clip. It allows multiple computing machines to portion information through one common database. Enterprise Networking is developing the demands by which different webs can interchange informations. C, C++ , UNIX C A ; C++ are both programming linguistic communications. C is the programming linguistic communication that is used for most common applications. C++ is the following coevals of C linguistic communication and is more user friendly. Unix is an operating system that competes with Microsoft Windows but it requires tonss of bids. However it is more stable and less likely to crash on you. WWW-Web, Java, Perl, HTML The web is the library of the universe it is similar to holding an online database. Java is a programming linguistic communication that competes with C++ . Perl is another programming linguistic communication. HTML which stands for hypertext mark-up linguistic communication is the programming linguistic communication of the Internet and of all the web pages found on the Internet. Windows NT is an operating system that competes with UNIX and is more user friendly from an interface point of view. PowerBuilder is: ? A in writing PC-based client/server application development environment. You can develop front-end applications which entree RDBMS ( Relational Database Management System ) without coding in a 3 GL ( 3rd Generation Language ) such as C or C++ . ? RAD Tool You might hold besides seen it frequently referred to as the RAD ( Rapid Application Development ) tool. In PowerBuilder you can set together a working paradigm, for the user to look at, in a fraction of the clip it may take for you to make the same in a 3GL ( one time you have learned PowerBuilder! ) . That is why it is called a RAD tool. ? 4GL ( 4th Generation Language ) : In a 3GL, you have to compose a batch of codification to acquire a few things done. In PowerBuilder you use screens, known as painters, to diagrammatically set together the ocular pieces of the application. Then you attach code to this ocular piece in a sample basic-like linguistic communication, called PowerScript. Due to the fact that it hides the complexnesss of a 3GL like this, it is known as a 4GL. Network Manager A individual that administers the web. They make certain the computing machines can speak with one another. These constituents and technicians are the 1s that presently comprise the peculiar medical landscape in which we endeavor to run in for success in our concern. By reexamining these constituents carefully we will seek to find if there is anything we can exclude or add to the IT environment to assist boom or prolong our concern. Strategic IT chance: In discoursing the description of the strategic IT chance for our concern one would hold to reason that it would be an expensive project to be associated with a merchandise that is considered a high technological device in the medical field. One which would imply many professionals sentiments and blessings for concluding credence. While portion of that is true we will seek and salvage money through our IT attack to our concern. We will hold a centralized location for which all the users of our merchandise can bind hostel with at any clip. By making a centralised location for information assemblage and circulating we will extinguish the demand for anything local. By carry throughing this effort entirely we will salvage money. Though one might believe that the quality of the merchandise would travel down due to the deficiency of communicating lines that would usually be at that place in a local scene for a merchandise like this. The information vacuity will be sufficed by holding an outstanding web site with diagrams, images, and measure by measure instructions on merely precisely how to utilize our merchandise. This site will hold sound capablenesss so the terminal user can follow the measure by measure instructions easier. We will besides hold AVI images so that anyone can see the moving images associated with the sound. It would be like watching a mini-movie. We will hold classs with different degrees of c oncern on the web and if the end-user still has inquiries they can make a wellness attention professional that will be at that place to reply any inquiries. The site will hold a location where you can snap on to automatically put a toll free call right from the web site. You will be able to type in your inquiry to the individual or computing machine and it will provide the reply or speak straight to a trained professional via the computing machine. Considerations A few things under consideration are puting a little cyberspace screen on the medical device itself that would maintain the user abreast of all the medical updates on an on-going footing. Another consideration would be to implement voice acknowledgment whereby the device would merely trip upon a voice lucifer. Decision: In reasoning, we will follow the way of IT that other similar companies have followed in making our IT landscape except for the fact that we will non hold to trust on a localized IT environment for every country. By making this we will salvage money and resources. The other execution is that of a sophisticated though easy to follow and understand web site. This would enable the end-user to run the device with great certainty that if any inquiries or jobs were to originate by utilizing the device they can entree a user friendly system that would supply solutions to their suppressions.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Tap Water free essay sample
Brands like Aquafina, Evian, and Dasani claim to use sources from deep, pristine pools of spring water, and majestic alpine peaks. When companies claim their water is from pure sources and is of safe quality, millions of people believe that bottled water is the safest water source to drink, while tap water is not. Relevance statement: So when we go to the store lugging around cases of brand name water from â€Å"pristine pools†, is it truly a better choice than your tap water that comes out of the faucet in the kitchen of your very own home? Credibility statement: As a normal person that used to buy bottled water everyday, I decided to be a smart thinker, so I did some research on water quality, and now, I became a smart drinker with tap water . Preview statement: And so today I’m hoping to encourage you all to not waste your money on bottled water anymore because of the quality, the regulations, and the overall prices between bottled water and tap water. We will write a custom essay sample on Tap Water or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page So first, let’s look at the actual difference of quality in bottled and tap water. Consumers have been convinced that bottled is more pure and safe than tap water, but some studies show otherwise. * With slogans like â€Å"So pure, we promise nothing†and â€Å"Purity Guaranteed†from water bottle brands like Aquafina, people are convinced that their water which is bottled, is simply pure, but, is it? * According to Dr. Sarah Janssen, a scientist from the Natural Resources Defense Council, â€Å"70 percent of popular bottled water brands available in shops had high levels of bacteria. Bottled water isnt any safer or purer than what comes out of the tap†¦ In fact, its less well-regulated, and youre more likely to know whats in tap water. †* The Natural Resource Defense Council also held another study tested for hundreds of different chemicals in 38 brands of California bottled water. â€Å"Two samples had arsenic contamination, six had chemical byproducts of chlorination, and six had measurable levels of other toxic chemicals. Several samples violated Californias bottled water standards. The website, www. nrdc. org states â€Å"Some of this marketing is misleading, implying the water comes from pristine sources when it does not. For example, one brand of spring water whose label pictured a lake and mountains, actually came from a well in an industrial facilitys parking lot, near a hazardous waste dump, and periodically was contaminated with industrial chemicals at levels above FDA standards†* Tap Water is thought as to be bad quality, but resea rch and study has shown differently. Furthermore, A group of researchers took five bottles of brand name bottled water and a sample of tap water from a drinking fountain in the middle of New York City and sent them to microbiologist, Aaron Margolin, who said â€Å"There was actually no difference between the tap water and the bottled waters that we evaluated. †* NRDC has researched bottled water extensively and has found that it is â€Å"subject to less rigorous testing and purity standards than those which apply to city tap water. Now that we understand that bottled water is not exactly anymore purer or better than tap water, let’s see how bottled water and tap water rise up to meet certain standards in quality. * Even though both bottled water and tap water are under regulation from organizations, tap water is in the organization with stricter, leading standards. * The Food amp; Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the bottled water products for water quality, while the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ensures the regulation of the quality of public tap water. * When it comes to standards and rules for water regulations, the EPA sets the bar, leaving FDA’s regulations for bottled water behind and trailing. * For instance, â€Å"Generally, over the years, the FDA has adopted EPA standards for tap water as standards for bottled water. * According to www. environment. about. com â€Å"Bottled water is required to be tested less frequently than tap water for bacteria and chemical contaminants, and U. S. Food and Drug Administration bottled water rules allow for some contamination by E. coli or fecal coli form, contrary to EPA tap water rules that prohibit any such contamination. †* The International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) states that By law, the FDA Standard of Quality for bottled water must be as stringent as the EPAs standards for public drinking water. †* Thus, the FDA organization (which regulates bottled water) lacks standards that the EPA organization (which regulates bottled water) has. Now that we understand how tap water is either the same or better than bottled water with quality and regulations, let’s see how much we are paying for water in plastic bottles. * With bacteria levels and regulations from bottled water that is either as safe or less safe than tap water, it is shocking to know that buyers end up paying for bottled water that can add up to costly prices, im more ways than one. * Whether buying individual water bottles from the vending machine or lugging big cases of water bottles from the supermarket, far too much money is being spent for water. In comparison to prices of another useful resource, gas, bottled water is as costly. While there are high gasoline prices that can vary around $4. 00 a full gallon for a fossil fuel, a gallon of bottled water from Dasani or Aquafina could cost at least $6. 00. * Charles Fishman, an award-winning investigative journalist, known for his works and study in water, wrote†You can buy a half- liter Evian for $1. 3517 ounces of water imported from France for pocket change. That water seems cheap, but only because we arent paying attention. In San Francisco, the municipal water comes from inside Yosemite National Park. Its so good the EPA doesnt require San Francisco to filter it. If you bought and drank a bottle of Evian, you could refill that bottle once a day for 10 years, 5 months, and 21 days with San Francisco tap water before that water would cost $1. 35. Put another way, if the water we use at home cost what even cheap bottled water costs, our monthly water bills would run $9,000†* Refilling bottled water every day for a year would cost 48 cents, in comparison to $365 for $1 water bottles. Tap water is 700 times cheaper and smarter than bottled water. * Not just with money, but bottled water is tremendously expensive and wasteful, in more ways than one. The Earth’s environment takes a toll by the making of plastic bottles and the disposal of plastic bottles. * The uses of recyclable bottles pay a price to the purity of the water as more harmful substances are in the water. 38 billion American water bottles are thrown into not only landfills in America, but into other countries every yearmore than $1 billion worth of plastic, * The billions and billions of plastic bottles add up and end up being a cause for the effect of environmental harm, thus bottled water brings more problems than tap water. * It is shocking to know that people end up paying costly prices for water that is bottled, and that these plastic bottles end up as environmental problems disposed throughout the world. Now let’s wrap this up. Summary: I hope you all will no longer be mislead by bottled water claims and understand the actual quality, regulations, and prices of bottled water and realize tap water can as good or even better. Audience response statement: Like many advertisements with false claims, we all need to read the fine prints, the back of the labels, and even do research on the products we spend our money on, even bottled water. Closing statement: Our $1. 25 for bottled water may not seem so bad at the time being, but now let’s be a smart thinker, and see what you could have been done as an alternative to be a smart drinker.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Thylacoleo (Marsupial Lion) - Facts and Figures
Thylacoleo (Marsupial Lion) - Facts and Figures Name: Thylacoleo (Greek for marsupial lion); pronounced THIGH-lah-co-LEE-oh Habitat: Plains of Australia Historical Epoch: Pleistocene-Modern (2 million-40,000 years ago) Size and Weight: About five feet long and 200 pounds Diet: Meat Distinguishing Characteristics: Leopard-like body; powerful jaws with sharp teeth About Thylacoleo (the Marsupial Lion) Its a commonly held misconception that that the giant wombats, kangaroos and koala bears of Pleistocene Australia were only able to prosper thanks to the lack of any natural predators. However, a quick glance at Thylacoleo (also known as the Marsupial Lion) puts the lie to this myth; this nimble, large-fanged, heavily built carnivore was every bit as dangerous as a modern lion or leopard, and pound-for-pound it possessed the most powerful bite of any animal in its weigh classwhether bird, dinosaur, crocodile or mammal. (By the way, Thylacoleo occupied a different evolutionary branch from saber-toothed cats, exemplified by the North American Smilodon.) See a slideshow of 10 Recently Extinct Lions and Tigers As the largest mammalian predator in an Australian landscape teeming with oversized, plant-eating marsupials, the 200-pound Marsupial Lion must have lived high on the hog (if youll forgive the mixed metaphor). Some paleontologists believe that Thylacoleos unique anatomyincluding its long, retractable claws, semi-opposable thumbs and heavily muscled forelimbsenabled it to pounce on its victims, quickly disembowel them, and then drag their bloody carcasses high up into the branches of trees, where it could feast at its leisure unmolested by smaller, peskier scavengers. One odd feature of Thylacoleo, albeit one that makes perfect sense given its Australian habitat, was its unusually powerful tail, as evidenced by the shape and arrangement of its caudal vertebrae (and, presumably, the muscles attached to them). The ancestral kangaroos that coexisted with the Marsupial Lion also possessed strong tails, which they could use to balance themselves on their hind feet while warding off predatorsso its not inconceivable that Thylacoleo could tussle for short periods on its two hind feet, like an oversized tabby cat, especially if a tasty dinner was at stake. As intimidating as it was, Thylacoleo may not have been the apex predator of Pleistocene Australiasome paleontologists claim that honor belongs to Megalania, the Giant Monitor Lizard, or even the plus-sized crocodile Quinkana, both of which may have occasionally hunted (or been hunted by) the Marsupial Lion. In any case, Thylacoleo exited the history books about 40,000 years ago, when the earliest human settlers of Australia hunted its gentle, unsuspecting, herbivorous prey to extinction, and even sometimes targeted this powerful predator directly when they were especially hungry or aggravated (a scenario attested to by recently discovered cave paintings).
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Here’s Exactly What to Do Before a Test
Here’s Exactly What to Do Before a Test SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Whether you’re taking the SAT, the ACT, an SAT Subject Test, the PSAT, an AP exam, a final, or any other test for high school, it's essential to know what to do beforehand so you can give yourself the best shot at getting a high score. In this guide, we introduce our top tips for what to do before a test, from how to study for a test the night before to how to relax before a test using deep breathing. Feature Image: biologycorner/Flickr What to Do the Day Before a Test Your test is tomorrow, but you have no idea what to do or whether you should even do anything at all. Should you study more? Stay up all night cramming? Give up? (Probably not!) Below, we give you our top tips on what to do the night before your test, including how to study for a test the night before and how to ensure you've got all the materials you'll need for your test. #1: Lightly Review Any Content You’re Still Struggling With The day before a test isn’t the day to do all your studying, but a little light review can be helpful. Otherwise, treat this day mostly as a day to relax. Get together your textbooks, notes, and other study materials and then find a quiet room to study in, such as your bedroom or the local library. As you review, take time to focus on any last-minute, pesky areas you’re still having trouble with. These could be a handful of SAT vocab words or a few math formulas, for example. Try to spend no more than an hour or two reviewing for your test. You don’t want to spend all day studying as it’ll wear you out the day of your test. Plus, you’re unlikely to remember every piece of information you cram in such a short amount of time! The most important point to remember is this: don’t use this day (or night) as an intense study session. Assuming you've already done the bulk of your studying beforehand (especially if you’re taking the SAT or ACT), you should feel pretty prepared by this point and shouldn’t need an entire day to review. Even if you haven’t studied as much as you wished you had, avoid cramming since you’re unlikely to remember everything you study in one lengthy, exhausting session. Instead, focus on the most difficult concepts and try to get those down pat. #2: Get Together Everything You’ll Need for the Test Preparation is the key to success- as well as the key to not feeling ridiculously stressed out the morning of your test! Whether you’ve got a Saturday morning test (such as the SAT/ACT) or have to get to school for your test, be sure to prepare all the materials you’ll need for your test the night before. Get your backpack together with everything you’ll need for your test and for your classes (if taking the test on a school day). Materials you might need to bring for your test include the following: Sharpened #2 pencils Erasers A handheld pencil sharpener A calculator Getting all these items together the day before will make you feel less stressed out the morning of your test, especially if you’re prone to pushing the snooze button one too many times! Ah, yes. Looks like the test center is right next to a creepy alley. #3: Know Where the Test Is and How to Get There If your test is being held at a test center or a school different from your own, it’s critical you know exactly where it is and how you plan to get there. Ideally, you’ll have planned this out long before your test date, but if not make sure you figure it out, by latest, the day before your test. If you're taking the SAT, the ACT, or an SAT Subject Test, you can find your test center information by looking at your admission ticket or by logging on to your College Board or ACT account. If you're taking a test at your own school, such as a midterm, a final, an AP exam, or the PSAT, know which classroom you'll be heading to and when. For most midterms and finals, you'll take your test in the same classroom as your class. However, some students might need to take certain exams at a different school if their own school doesn't offer that particular test. (This often happens with the PSAT and AP exams.) If you're in this situation, confirm which school and classroom you need to go to for your test. I suggest calling the school you're taking your test at ahead of time so you can double-check the time and location. But how should you get to your test center or school? If taking public transportation, it's a good idea to come up with a backup plan in case your bus or train comes late or fails to show up at all. For example, you could talk with a friend about having him or her drive you to your test location if your main choice of transportation falls through on test day. If you plan to drive yourself, make sure you know where you can park and how much it’ll cost (if anything). Consider traffic, too. If you’re leaving at a particularly busy time of day (even Saturdays can get busy depending on where you’re headed!), give yourself extra time to get to your test location. When it comes to tests, remember the mantra: it’s better to be extremely early than even a tad bit late. Generally, aim to get to your test center at least 30 minutes before your test so you’ll have time to check in, get seated, and calm your nerves! #4: Skip the All-Nighter and Get a Good Night’s Sleep As mentioned above, you shouldn't study a bunch the day before your test- and you should definitely skip the all-nighter! But why is pulling an all-nighter so bad for you? Let’s see what science has to say. According to a 2014 study conducted by Ghent University and KU Leuven in Belgium, students who slept at least seven hours the night before a test typically scored higher than those who got only six hours of sleep. Other studies have found that sacrificing sleep for studying is counterproductive and more sleep is strongly correlated with better grades and a higher GPA. As you can see, getting enough sleep isn’t just about feeling better on test day- it ensures that your brain will be better equipped to remember the information you've learned. So what does all of this mean for you? In general, try to aim for at least seven hours of sleep the night before your test. Obviously, what exact amount of sleep feels good can vary depending on your own body and sleeping habits. While some students might need a solid eight or nine hours of sleep, others might do just fine on six hours. Regardless, the point is to get as much sleep as you need to feel well rested and prepared for your test. #5: Set an Alarm (or Two or Three) No matter when your test is- whether it's during a regular school day or on a Saturday morning- it's never a bad idea to set a few alarms (just in case you snooze through your first one!). Try not to set more than three alarms, and keep them at most 10-15 minutes apart so that you don't end up accidentally oversleeping by too long. If you're especially worried about getting up, ask someone you know to check that you're awake by a certain time. This way you can greatly reduce the risk of being late for your test. You can get a family member to check on you in your room in the morning or have a friend call or text you. The correct way to dry your hair the morning of a big test. What to Do the Day of a Test You’ve woken up (likely after hitting the snooze button a couple of times) and are ready to get out and take the test. What can you do to make sure you do your best on it? Here are our top tips for what to do the day of a test, including what to eat before a test and why you should use the bathroom before leaving home. #6: Eat a Healthy, Filling Breakfast A satisfying breakfast can give you ample energy for your test, particularly if you’re taking a long one like the SAT or ACT. According to a 2013 study on the effects of breakfast on academic performance, "Eating breakfast has a positive effect on children's cognitive performance, particularly in the domains of memory and attention." Since you’ll definitely need these two skills in order to do well on a test, we can see that eating a full breakfast is essential to making you feel energized on test day and thus getting the score you want. You should also try to eat healthily. A study conducted by the University of Alberta discovered that healthier diets were linked to better test scores and higher grades. Therefore, don’t just aim for a filling breakfast but a healthy one, too! Good brain foods to eat before a test include the following: Whole grains (oatmeal, granola, quinoa, muffins, etc.) Fresh fruit (bananas, apples, pears, etc.) Fresh vegetables (broccoli, celery, carrots, etc.) Even if you’re nervous about your test, don’t skip breakfast! Chances are, you’ll feel worse and far less energized if you don’t eat anything at all. #7: Confirm You’ve Got Everything You Need You should have gotten all your materials together the day before the test, but we advise checking once more right before you leave that you’re not forgetting anything important. Before you head out, make sure you have everything you'll need for your test (and school, too, if you're taking the test on a school day). Here are some things you might need to bring: Sharpened #2 pencils Erasers A handheld pencil sharpener A calculator Water Snacks Other materials for classes such as textbooks, notebooks, homework, etc. Lunch Money (for lunch, public transportation, etc.) Your driver’s license (if driving yourself or if photo ID is required for your test) A light sweater or jacket that's easily removable Try to avoid bringing your cell phone to your test. Any ringing or vibrating during the test could affect your scores. For example, if you were taking the SAT or ACT and your phone went off during it, your scores would be automatically canceled. This is why it's usually better to leave your phone at home. However, if you must bring your phone or feel weird not taking it with you, be absolutely sure you’ve turned it off before your test begins. Finally, be sure to wear appropriate attire to your test. Whether it’s hot or cold outside, remember that the school/test center might feel warmer or colder inside. Therefore, try to bring a sweater or light jacket you can remove or put on in case the room gets hot or chilly. #8: Go to the Bathroom While this might seem obvious, make sure to use the restroom before you leave for school or your test. Doing this reduces your chances of having to find a restroom at your school/test center and having to use the restroom during the test (which can take critical time away from answering questions). If your test is later in the school day, try to use the restroom in-between class periods, ideally right before you take your test. If you don't have time to use the bathroom before your test, don't despair- some tests might offer breaks. If your test has a break, feel free to use the restroom then. Both the SAT and ACT, for example, offer several breaks for test takers, the longest of which is 10 minutes. This should be enough time for you to go to the bathroom and return to your testing room. That said, most breaks during tests are pretty short. Therefore, by using the restroom before your test, you'll be able to use your break to do other things such as drink water, stretch, or eat a snack. I'm sure she's just using her phone to take detailed notes, right? RIGHT? What to Do Right Before a Test You’ve arrived at school or your test center and are now only a few minutes away from taking your test. What can you do at this point to ensure you get the score you want? Read on to learn how to relax before a test and why you should turn off your cell phone. #9: Turn Off Your Cell Phone If you brought a cell phone, turn it off and put it in your backpack or give it to a test proctor. SAT/ACT test centers typically have different rules for what to do with cell phones, so make sure you’re abiding by your test center's policies. If you're not sure what to do with your phone, ask a teacher or test proctor. Remember, if your phone rings, vibrates, or makes any sound during your test, you could end up forfeiting your test scores. This for sure happens on the SAT/ACT. If you're taking a final, midterm, or other school test, however, consequences will vary depending on your school's policies. In addition, don't simply put your phone on silent since alarms and other sounds can still go off! #10: Stay Calm Perhaps most importantly, take this short time right before your test to calm your nerves and reduce your anxiety. Yes, you’re taking a test. Yes, it’ll probably be a little scary. Yes, you might not feel totally prepared for it. But you can do it! To help relax yourself, take a few deep breaths as you sit at your desk. In particular, focus on deep breathing. This technique is known to quell anxiety and make you feel more relaxed. Don’t think about everything you’ve studied up until this point- just focus on feeling confident and at ease. If possible, try to stretch your arms and legs a little, too. This will help prepare your body for the upcoming immobility and get your blood flowing. #: Be Positive and Do Your Best Part of doing well on tests is having the confidence that you can do this. So take a few moments to remind yourself that you will do your best on this test and hopefully get the score you want. Also, know that it’s not the end of the world if you don’t do as well as you hoped you would. With the SAT/ACT, you can always retake the test. Or if you’re taking an AP exam or SAT Subject Test, even if you don’t get as high a score as your colleges would like, you can still give yourself a solid chance of admission by improving other parts of your college applications. Tests are important, yes, but they're not usually the only make-or-break factor! Do your best and don't let a low score negatively impact your goals. Key Takeaways: What to Do Before a Test Most tests- especially the SAT, the ACT, the PSAT, AP exams, SAT Subject Tests, midterms, and finals- are undeniably intimidating. But as long as you have a long-term study plan and know exactly what to do before a test, you’ll be able to feel confident and get a high score on it. Above, we gave you essential tips for what to do before a test. Here they are again, briefly: The Day Before the Test Lightly review any content you’re still struggling with Get together everything you’ll need for the test Know where the test is and how to get there Skip the all-nighter and get a good night’s sleep Set an alarm (or two or three) The Day of the Test Eat a healthy, filling breakfast Confirm you’ve got everything you need Go to the bathroom Immediately Before a Test Turn off your cell phone Stay calm Be positive and do your best Now get out there and ace that test! Imagine this is your teacher grading your test! What’s Next? Need help coming up with a foolproof study plan? Check out our sample SAT plans and our sample ACT schedules to help you get started. Running out of time before your test? Don't sweat it. With our 10-day cram plans for the SAT and ACT, you'll be able to get a great score, guaranteed! And if you're taking the PSAT instead, take a look at our expert last-minute cram tips. Looking for more study tips? Then read our guide to prepping for AP tests as well as our guide to prepping for SAT Subject Tests. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Web-Based Distance Learning Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Web-Based Distance Learning Project - Assignment Example 29 Oct 2007 A Business Model with ERD and normalization. 5 November 2007 Design logical database design & development. 19 November 2007 Testing business rules and data integrity. 10 December 2007 Interim Report 8 January 2007 Interface Design and form development. 22 January 2007 Trigger design and implementation. 4 February 2007 Testing and validating the trigger codes of different units. 18 February 2007 Report requirements and design. 4 March 2007 Physical database design 18 March 2007 Final system documentation & user manual. 4 April 2007 Margin for any contingency 5 April 2007 - 15 April 2007 Final Report 24 April 2007 Live demonstration. The presentation should demonstrate the most interesting and attractive implementation features and functions of University Information System. 5 May 2007 RESOURCE REQUIREMENT: Following are the resource requirement for this project: Hardware Requirements: The hardware requirements for this project are as follows: Processor (atleast Pentium III, 733 MHz) RAM (the minimum RAM requirement is 128 MB. However, the RAM of 512 is recommended) Hard Disk (The required capacity of hard disk depends on the amount of data to be saved. But on minimum side 40 GB hard disk is required) LAN Card or Modem is also required. Besides, the general accessories of a standard PC will also be required. The university will not be required to arrange for these requirements. Software Requirements: The softwares required for this project are: MS Access - this is required for the actual development of the database. MS Visio - this is required to develop the logical diagram / model for the structure of the database MS Word - this is required for the documentation purposes Macromedia Dreamweaver - this is...The concept of distance learning was still there even before the intervention of technology in the field of education, but it gained momentum, when technology was applied to make the system of distance learning more effective. As a result of this intervention, distance learning has now become one of the most prominent areas of education and learning, where the application of the technology is at its peak. Furthermore, the more technology is applied in right direction, the more distance learning will get popular. This project would be yet another step into that progress. The outcome of this project would be an MS-Access based Tutorial database. As tutorials are major source of learning for distance learners, thus this product will be helpful to them to a great extent. The aim of this project is to develop a database of tutorials for the distant learners. This database tutorial is a web-based tutorial. The user of this database will be provided with the user interface in order to fetch the information through queries and add, edit or delete the tutorials. A reporting module will also be added into the database. Besides, there are some other technical requirements too. Such requirements include the internet connectivity, the relevant drivers required for the database and its cross platform interaction with the web based front end.
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